"Cancer. It used to be a scary, foreign, medical word. Now it's a scary, common word that people assume they will have one day. According to The World Cancer Report, reported cancer cases hit an estimated 14 million in 2012. In the next twenty years, new cancer cases are predicted to rise by 57% and reach an astounding 22 million. It's a scary thought, and one that encourages us to rediscover foods that help fight cancer."
Causes of cancer
Cancer cells form when normal cells mutate, and cancer occurs when mutated cells multiply and grow uncontrollably to destroy normal biological functions all over the body.
Many factors can lead to cancer. These include viruses, pollution, radiation, and certain medications. Presently, side effects are inevitable with all cancer treatments. Treatments (e.g chemotherapy and radiation therapy) often cause discomfort and complications, which in severe cases can even shorten life spans.
Studies show that an unhealthy diet (e.g eating large amounts of animal protein and fat), obesity, lack of exercise, poor living habits (e.g staying up late, smoking, consuming large amounts of alcohol), certain medications (e.g drugs that suppress the immune system, such as corticosteroids and hormone therapy), and viruses (e.g 80% of primary liver cancers is caused by hepatitis B virus) are all factors that can cause or contribute to cancer.
Cancer does not Happen Overnight
Cancer is often diagnosed a long time after its initial formation. Cancer cells are terrifying because they divide out of control. About two thirds of the time, cancer stays hidden, and its progress is stealthy. Take breast cancer, for instance, it may take six to eight years for breast cancer to grow from one cell to the size of 1 cm. Another example is colorectal cancer. It takes about 10-20 years for newly formed colorectal growths to become cancerous.
Cancer is Linked to Strength of the Immune System
A strong robust immune system is critical to preventing or slowing down the speed of cancer development. The immune system does not consist of one specific organ in the body. Instead, it involves several different organs, immune cells, and chemicals working in well-oiled harmony. Like an army, it helps the body to fight and destroy cancer cells that form when normal cells mutate.
A weakened immune system gives cancer cells the best opportunity for growth. Mutated cancer cells begin to proliferate in large amounts and invade other organs and tissues to cause disruptions to a person's natural physiological processes.
Medicine cannot enhance the immune system. It is only through proper nutritional intake that the immune system is nourished and reinforced. A strong immune system can provide the body with the ability to fight and destroy cancer cells.
A Healthy Diet Keeps Cancer at Bay
Many studies have confirmed that eating red meats such as pork, lamb and beef is associated to cancer. This is directly related to the fact that red meat contains large amounts of animal protein. Research shows that a diet high in animal protein can increase the risks of breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer.
In addition, consuming preserved meats puts one at high risk of cancer. This could be due to the nitrates or nitrites added to these meats as preservatives.
Cancer is not only a result of what we eat, but also what we do not eat.
Plant based Nutrition helps Prevent Cancer by Boosting Immunity
Polysaccharides have a direct impact on cancer because they can significantly boost immunity. They also have antitumor properties. Research shows that all mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides.
Only found in plant foods, such as fruits and vegetables, beans and grains, phytochemicals help prevent disease, nourish the immune system and speed up recovery from illnesses. They can also help arrest or even reverse cancer development at any stage.
Cactus is rich in phytochemicals and can boost immunity to help the body fight against viruses, prevent cancer-promoting hormones from attaching to normal cells. Cactus juice can increase natural killer cell activity to stop one or more of the mechanisms that lead to tumor development.
Antioxidants are present in wholesome plant foods and are effective in preventing free radical damage to cells. Free radicals are a major reason for sudden cell changes and mutations that lead to cancer.
Cactus fruit, blueberries and grape seeds are rich in a variety of antioxidants. Food with high antioxidants can boosts immunity thereby helping to prevent the occurrence of cancer.
OXYGINBERRY is a immune superfood that contain ingredients such as cactus, ginseng berry, seaweed, rose, cactus fruit and grape seed that can be consume from young to old. The food uses freeze drying to retain the nutrients.
OXYGINBERRY is not only formulated by Nutritional Immunology but it also pass as many as 2000 product safety test. The company also received Food Safety Excellence Award - Grade A by Singapore AVA for consecutive 10 years. This is the best assurance for us as a consumer.
Reference: Chen.J.F (2015) Nutrition. Immunity.Longevity
Contact us for a complimentary consultation on how you can prevent and manage cancer growth.
Pei Lin
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