Sunday, 14 February 2016

How did I lose weight? How to lose weight healthily?

I started taking Oxyginberry because I was breastfeeding my 3rd child and I thought it would be good nourishment for mother and baby.  I stopped taking Oxyginberry for a few months after my Oxyginberry supply went out and back then I didn't fully understand the benefits of taking Oxyginberry.

Until last year, I started taking Oxyginberry and a friend of mine commented that I lose weight. Later I learned that, Ginseng Berry is an ingredient in Oxyginberry that can increase the metabolism of the body. During this time, I also learned about the importance of a healthy breakfast and started on a healthy breakfast challenge. Soy is an ingredient in Everstay-D it can aid weight loss by boosting metabolism. The combination of wheat bran and psyllium husk also provide more fiber in the body to aid digestion.

I start to look into increasing more fiber in our family diet. Fiber aids weight control. Fiber also detoxifies to reveal beautiful skin. In the liver, toxins are contained in bile acids so they can be secreted together with fiber. The body needs an adequate amount of fiber for this process. A lack of fiber may hinder the body from flushing out toxins quickly. When this happens, the liver may overworked and will no longer be able to clear toxins from the body. Some signs of stress liver are skin acne, rashes,obesity, chronic fatigue or puffy eyes.

It is also a bonus that I start to lose weight after taking the Gengki Breakfast. My friends, neighbors and relatives started commenting that I am slimmer compare to before. I was very happy when I can start fitting into a S size compare to M size previously. In total, I lose 5 kg of weight.

My next mission is to consistently incorporate exercise in my routine. I was very happy that my hubby was looking after the kids playing with friends at the playground last week while I jogged to the beach.

This picture was taken beginning of last year.  My waist line was quite huge and the belly somehow expanded with the no of kids I have. I am still fitting into my clothes that I bought after the birth of my 2nd child. The pants was a bit tighter.

This two pictures was taken right before Chinese New Year and noticed that my jeans are loose. 

 I was very happy to be able to fit into a size S again and went crazy shopping for new clothes this Chinese New Year.

The below information is extracted from "Nutrition Immunity Longevity" book written by Dr Jau-Fei Chen from the topic on Obesity.

Dangers of Obesity

Obese individual face inconveniences: difficulty walking, trouble finding clothes that fit and difficulty fitting in bus and plane seats. What's more, severe obesity in the 40-45 BMI range cuts life spans by 8-10 years. In the long run, obesity can impair the immune system, thus increasing the risk of developing various diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, stroke and allergy.

Improper Weight Loss Method

Weight loss can help to prevent various diseases. However, improper weight loss method will waste money, time and endanger health. Improper weight loss method can cause malnutrition.

1) Improper dieting - It involves excessively suppressing one's appetite to reduce weight. Unbalance nutrition makes the body unable to defend itself against diseases.

2) High Protein Diet - Eating meat as a staple food can easily create a feeling of fullness, hence reducing other food. The risk are meat is high in saturated fat. eating large amounts of high fat foods for a prolonged period raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and several types of cancer.

3) All fruit diet - A fruit diet does not provide enough nutrition. Prolonged malnutrition will cause immunity to weaken and will lead to illness.

4) Vegetarian diet - Vegetarians eat starchy foods such as bread and rice to create a greater feeling of fullness. Vegetarian food is often fried for taste. Vegetable oil used in vegetarian diets is high in calories and excessive intake can lead to weight gain.  Some vegetarian foods are highly processed and contain chemicals, additives and preservatives that are not food for health.

5) Diet Drugs - Most users of diet drugs do not understand the drugs side effects.

Here are some testimonial of customers weight reduce with Nutritional Immunology approach.

Contact me to get a copy of Dr Chen's book, information for a healthy weight lose program and to understand why some fail to lose weight using traditional diet. Why did some people didn't manage to maintain their reduced weight and their weight will bounce back up?

Eat healthy and live happy
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