Thursday 6 October 2016

Herbal and dietary supplements tied to liver damage

During our Nutritional Immunology workshop and public workshop, we always emphasize what do our cells need the most? Is it synthetic or wholesome food? 

I read this news this morning about Herbal and Dietary Supplements tied to liver damage.

It is obvious that our body needs wholesome plant food to nourish our immune system to prevent diseases. Read on my previous post Are Vitamin Supplements Good or Bad? Do vitamin supplements prevent diseases?
Below is an extraction from Dr Chen's book page 68 -78 which is available in Popular bookstore - Nutrition.Immunity.Longevity.

Does Natural means Safe and Healthy?

Ultimately we have to be a wise consumer. Everytime we put food into our mouth, are we nourishing the immune system or sabotaging our health?
In order to be a wise consumer, we have to educate ourselves with the right knowledge on nutrition and avoid the nutrition misconceptions.
Come and join me and learn from renowned Nutritional Immunologist - Dr Chen Jau Fei on 26th November.

PM me to book the tickets 
Pei Lin LEE
Health Speaker/Consultant
8332 3173

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