Wednesday 3 August 2016

Continuous Raise Health Awareness To Mankind

Dr. Jau Fei Chen entered Brigham Young University, USA at the tender age of 16, and achieved her doctorate in Immunology at 26, entering the fascinating world of Immunology and Microbiology, and marking her foray into cancer research.

One day, during her routine visit to late stage cancer patients, a cancer mother caught her attention.  After hearing to this mother sharing, she realized her new cancer drugs development will never able to bring significant hope to this mother for her to see her children grow up,  graduate or attend her children wedding. This realization made Dr. Chen devastated. She thought she can bring hope to the world but the fact she's not. 

Dr. Chen realized medicines development will never surpass the diseases evolution. 

Dr. Chen made a big turning. Instead of focus on new cancer drugs development, she discovered the link between proper nutrition and the health of the human immune system. This momentous discovery led Dr. Chen to pioneer the science of Nutritional Immunology - her answer to preventive healthcare.

Dr.Chen has won many international awards and accolades for her excellent contributions as a scientist and entrepreneur 

However, her ultimate dream is to create a world without disease. 

Since then, she continuously give sharing on the relationship what we eat everyday influence the best doctor in the world, that's our immune system.

The coming September, you can meet Dr. Chen in person-  Live With Dr.Chen on 10th September 2016., 2-4pm.  You can contact me at +65 8332 3173 for ticket reservation. Act fast, contact me as the tickets are selling fast.

Best Regards and thanks
Pei Lin LEE
Health speaker/consultant

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