The key to diabetes prevention lies with a person's daily lifestyle. It is very important to eat a balance diet, exercise and maintain a healthy body weight.

1) Consume sufficient amount of fiber - Psyllium husk and Wheat Bran
Calorie free fiber is found only in plant food sources. Regular consumption of fiber aids in digestion and can help the removal of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber is a natural food processor - increasing the body's ability to absorb useful nutrients while encouraging the motility and viscosity of gastrointestinal contents during digestion.
Psyllium husk and wheat bran among the most fiber rich plant foods. Increase intake of these plant food can help decrease cholesterol levels as well as regulate blood glucose levels. A study revealed that type 2 diabetics who were given 5.1g of psyllium husk for 8 weeks saw a significant improvement in their glycemic and lipid values. There was also a marked decrease in their serum total and LDL cholesterol concentrations.
2) Soy
Soy has a low glycemic index, which means that when digested, it stabilizes blood glucose levels. In addition soy is also a good source of soluble fiber. Soy is easily broken down in the body and is gentler on the digestive system. One complication that arises from diabetes is kidney disease. Over 20% of diabetics develop impaired kidney function that can cause kidney failure. Thus, diabetics must exercise caution when consuming animal protein as high levels may harm the kidneys. Studies have shown that soy protein is significantly better at aiding renal function than animal protein. Besides kidney disease, diabetics often have an increased risk of heart disease and arteriosclerosis. In fact, cardiovascular disease occurs 2-4 times more frequently with diabetics than in the general population. Research indicates that linolenic acid - an essential unsaturated fatty acid found in soybeans - may help to lower the cholesterol levels, reduce the incidence of arteriosclerosis, decrease the fat deposition in arterial walls and thus lower the risk of acquiring coronary heart disease.
3) Bitter Gourd
Bitter gourd is known for its ability to lower blood glucose level. It has antidiabetic benefits and contains compounds like polypeptide-P, charatin and vicine which improved blood sugar levels.
4) Ginseng Berry

Researchers at the University of Chicago recently reported that ginseng berry extract holds promise for the treatment of diabetes and obesity. The nutrient rich ginseng berry contains Ginsenoside Re, a substance that can contribute to the creation of a new class of anti-diabetic medications.
5) Grape seed

Diabetic retinopathy a disease that can lead to blindness is a potential complication arising from diabetes. Diabetes affects the circulatory system of the retina by weakening the arteries in the eye and causing them to leak. The leaky vessels encourage swelling and edema in the retina, thus affecting vision. Statistics have indicated that at least 12 % of diabetics who suffer from diabetes for more than 30 years have lost their sight through diabetic retinopathy. However, researchers have noted that diabetics can effectively treat and prevent the onset of diabetic retinopathy through good nutrition. High on the list of nutritious foods is grape seed extract. Grape seed extract contains a very strong antioxidant called Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin (OPC). This antioxidant is reported to be 20x more powerful than vitamin C and 50x stronger than vitamin E. OPC strengthens capillaries, arteries and veins thus improving blood circulation. In a recent study, 30 diabetics were given 50mg of OPC 3x daily for 2 months while 10 were given placebo pills. The group that received OPC showed improved diabetic retinopathy while the group that received the placebo showed worsened retinopathy. Thus, OPC has proven to be valuable source of nutrition to promote health among diabetics.
5) Acelora Cherries & Blueberries
People who have diabetics have lowered immunity so their ability to fight against diseases and infections is weak. They need high phytochemicals wholesome plants to help fight against free radical damage and to nourish the body immune system.
We have the combination Everstay D, Stay D and Oxyginberry to help control the blood sugar level.

Everstay D contain soybean, psyllium husk, wheat bran and vanilla.
Stay D contain bitter melon, ginseng, blueberry and acelora cherry
Oxyginberry contain cactus, cactus fruit, ginseng berry, grape seed, seaweed and rose.
Sharings from our customers who consume NI food
A 85 year old achieve health through Nutritional Immunology food. He experienced diabetes for 27 years. He manage to reduce his medication. PM me to find out more about how our Nutritional Immunology food can help you.
NI food provide a convenience for us to nourish our immune system to regain our health. NI food is not a supplement but real wholesome plant food with no preservatives and no side effects.
Nourish your body with plenty of disease fighting nutrients ie antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccarides through wholesome plant food to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and age gracefully.
It is never too late to start living healthy. Being proactive can reduce the risk of complications from diseases and your need for expensive medications.
Yours truely
Pei Lin LEE
Excellent Lifestyle Coach
+65 8332 3173
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