Sunday 31 July 2016

K 22 months is down with cold and coughing

This is the second week of term 3 after the long June holiday. K started having runny nose and coughing on Friday after coming home from playgroup. On Saturday, I started giving him 1/2 sachet of Oxyginberry and Millennium twice a day (morning and night) together with his regular Nutrifresh.  I added one capsule of  NOCO and ACT morning and night which is very effective in combating cough, flu and bronchial distress. At night, I gave him orchestra. I noticed that his coughing stop on Monday and the nose mucous is getting lesser.

In the midst, I gave my two other kids 1/2 sachet of Oxyginberry and Nutrifresh.

With the formulated wholesome food, my kids are able to recover without medication.

Pei Lin

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