We are constantly expose to radiation from mobile phones, computers, viruses or cancer causing agents in our toiletries and household products. This will lead to cell mutation and turning good cells to cancerous cells.
The Polysaccharides increase the production of Natural Killer (NK) cells, interferon, interleukin to destroy existing cancer cells and viruses, increasing NK cells activities and ability to inhibit benign or non-malignant cells to becomes malignant ones.

Normal cells turn to cancerous cells. Polysaccharides will activate the Natural Killer cells to remove cancer cells.
What is NK cells?
How can mushroom help in cancer, tumor and viral prevention?
ABM Mushroom

The ABM Mushroom is rich in polysaccharides and can aid production of T cells, help to prevent reproduction, spread and relapse of cancer cells as well as virus-infected cells.
Research by the National Cancer Center Laboratory and Tokyo College of Pharmacy showed that there is a elimination of cancerous tumors in 90% of lab animals fed with ABM mushroom. While polysaccharides found in most fungi can only affect certain solid tumors, those in ABM mushrooms are reportedly effective against colon cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and most solid tumors.
Research at King Drew Medical Center of UCLA found that the ABM Mushroom increases the total number of immune cells throughout the body.
ABM Mushroom is powerful antiviral agent, preventing viruses and harmful agents from entering delicate tissue.
Maitake Mushroom
D-fraction of the maitake mushroom that has potent antitumor effects. One experiments prove the effectiveness of D-fraction in preventing normal cells from turning into malignant cancer cells.
Through one experiment, carcinogen was placed in the food of experimental animals 3x over 7 day interval. Of the control group, 100% had tumors. Out of the group that has been fed maitake mushrooms, only 22.2% had tumors. Futhermore, only 9.7% of the group that was orally administered 1mg/kg of the D-fraction polysaccharide had tumors. The test suggests that maitake mushrooms, especially those containing the purified D-fraction, are effective in reducing cancer risks where carcinogenic foods are part of the regular diet.
Maitake mushroom is able to stimulate immune system to attack tumor cells directly. Studies show it to be most effective in inhibiting cancers of the breast, lung, liver and prostate.
In the US, researchers proved maitake mushroom's benefits for individuals with uterine fibroids. Maitake mushrooms were given to patients from 6 months to 1 year, they experience a substantial reduction of the uterine fibroids. The patients conditions improved to the extend that surgery was not neccesary.
Shiitake Mushroom
LEM and Lentinan in shiitake mushroom have the ability to stimulate an immune system that is weakened as a result of aging.
LEM stimulates lymphocytes and macrophages, which are responsible for the immune system's defense against bacteria, viruses, tumor cells and toxins.
Lentinan in Shiitake Mushroom, kill tumor cells by stimulating the immune system to produce the body's own killer cells. They also activate helper T-cells and aid in the function of macrophages.
Today, Japanese doctors are using purified lentinan as an immunotherapy for lung, stomach, breast, colorectal, cervival and other cancers. The use of lentinan can help to suppress cancer recurrence and prolong the life span of cancer patients.
Ganoderma Mushroom (Reishi Mushroom)
Research has shown that reishi mushroom has anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
Reishi mushroom can prevent cancer recurrence by activating macrophages, natural killer cells and other immune cells, thereby boosting immune functions are preventing cancer.
Reishi mushroom can be used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, increase patient survival rates, decrease the risk of metastasis, improve quality of life for patients and prevent cancer recurrence.
As a convenience, you can get the 4 types of mushroom from Nutriact. Nutriact consists of 4 types of mushroom ABM Mushroom, Maitake Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom and Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom at all time.
Eat healthy Live Happy
Pei Lin LEE
8332 3173
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