Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Do you know drinking animals' milk leaches out more calcium?

It is so important to obtain the right nutrition knowledge through the science of Nutritional Immunology. Watch the you tube in the link (in Cantonese).


1) One of the proteins found in milk increases risk of contracting cancer
2) Milk causes more allergies
3) Milk increases risk of bone fracture
4)Will result in high acidity in human body

Nutrifresh is a  wholesome soy beverage with fiber, fruit and vegetable using cutting edge technology to retain the nutrients.

Contact us  for a copy! They are not available at any book stores!

We provide workshops and complimentary one to one consultation. Contact me for more information.

"Eat Healthy Live Happy."

Pei Lin LEE

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Cancer is the Number 1 Killer in Singapore

My husband and myself bought a hospitalization plan last year but decided to review the plans again after learning from a few friends that they had difficulty receiving claims from certain insurance companies. I had also learned not to take health for granted when a neighbor recently survived after the surgery of removing the brain tumor. Last week, I had a conversations with a friend that work as a insurance agents and she shared with me the cost of hospitalization bill and the types of claims  in Singapore. She shared that cancer is the no 1 killer in Singapore. This statistic is obtain from Singapore Cancer Statistic.

General Cancer Information Singapore Cancer Statistics

Cancer is the Number 1 Killer in Singapore

* 1 in 3 Singaporeans dies of cancer

* 14 people die from cancer every day

# 33 people are diagnosed with cancer every day

Ministry of Health, Singapore Health Facts, Principal Causes of Death, updated 30 Jan 2012.

Singapore Cancer Registry, Interim Annual Registry Report, Trends in Cancer Incidence in Singapore, 2009-2013 
(58,654 notifications of new cancer cases by year of diagnosis, 2009-2013)

Men Women
 Colo-rectum  17% Breast 29% 
 Lung 15% Colo-rectum 13%
 Prostate 12% Lung 8%
 Liver 7% Corpus uteri 6%
 Lymphoid neoplasms 7% Ovary, etc. 5%
 Skin, including melanoma 6% Skin, including melanoma 4%
 Stomach 5% Lymphoid neoplasms 4%
 Nasopharynx 4% Stomach 4%
 Kidney & Other Urinary* 4% Thyroid 4%
 Myeloid neoplasms 3% Cervix uteri 3%

* Other urinary refers to renal pelvis, ureter, urethra etc.

# Singapore Cancer Registry, Interim Annual Registry Report, Trends in Cancer Incidence in Singapore, 2009-2013.

She also shared about how important to safe guard the liver and not taking  multi vitamins and TCM medication. We also shared the same view of consumer decided to take man created vitamins instead of god created food to nourish the body. At one point, she told me "I am not trying to scare you about liver cancer, kidney transplant, breast cancer, colon cancer and hospitalization cost. This is real and it is happening everyday."   I learned a lot from my insurance friend and how important it is to even have prevention by practicing Nutritional Immunology.

At the same time I shared with her about Nutritional Immunology lifestyle and the importance of safeguarding our immune system to prevent diseases.  Nutritional Immunology advocates prevention over cure. To sum up, cancer is not only a result of what we eat, but also what we do not eat. Diseases don't happen overnight. We can start by eating a wide variety of Antioxidant, Phytochemicals and Polysaccharides food and live a healthy lifestyle-exercise moderately, get sufficient sleep and rest and stay positive.

Come learn from Dr Chen how we can use diet to build immunity and prevent cancer.


And check out on my blog food fight for cancer.

Pei Lin LEE